Odd one out

Colour characters

Test your knowledge of colour characters!


  • All ages

  • Time: 10 minutes

  • Learning Outcome: To identify colour relationships according to character.

  • Colour Concepts: Recognize and describe differences between various colour characters.



  • From each Group of 4 coloured tiles, identify which tile does not belong, and state why.

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

Group 5

Group 6

Group 7

Group 8


Note: if you have limited colour vision, your answers may differ (and still be correct for the way you perceive colour).


Questions & observations:

  • Which group was the easiest to spot the odd one out?

  • Which group was the most difficult to spot the odd one out?

More to explore:

  • Make up your own versions of odd one out. Try to make one version for each of the colour characters.