Arranging coloured tiles in groups of the same character
Expanded hue families
Learn how to identify and arrange characters
All ages
Time: 10 minutes
Learning Outcome: Recognize similarities between colours of the same character.
Colour Concept: Move away from associating ‘colour’ with the vivid hues only; pay more attention to variations within hue families.
Background - Sorting Introduction
Coloured tiles Handout: CHROMO Sorting Set
Coloured tiles online at: (CHROMO)
(Optional) Powerpoint with Instructions on sorting hue families & characters
See Free Sort Lesson plan for instructions on using online CHROMO sorting set.
If you have done a previous exercise, go to Menu and Clear All.
From the CHROMO menu, select Sort Colour Characters 36 Colours. See Figure 1. (Note: if you wish to sort without using the template, you may select Add 36 Colours instead of Sort Colour Characters.) If you wish to sort a smalles set, you can choose Sort Colour Characters 36 Colours.
The teacher/ workshop leader will arrange the pale coloured tiles in the top nine-colour diamond, and will explain that these are the pale colours. See Figure 2.
The task now is to arrange the remaining tiles in similar blocks of the other colour characters: muted (on the left), dark (on the bottom), and vivid (on the right).
Take a screen shot or photograph of your four groups of colours and save it. Then post or send it to the teacher/ workshop leader for display and discussion.
The teacher/ workshop leader may then show an example of the completed set. See Figure 3.
Note: Students can check the sort by clicking on ‘Am I Right?”. Just the tiles that are not in the right spot will pop out and they can try again.
Questions & observations:
Why is it important to include character when we name and describe colours?