The changing colours of nature

Colours are all around us

Notice and document how light influences the colours you see


  • All ages

  • Time: 24 hours +

  • Learning Outcome: Notice and describe the colours seen in an outdoor scene, and how they change at various times of the day.

  • Colour Concepts: Lighting in an outdoor scene impacts the colours of the scene.


  • Camera/phone/tablet


  • Find a spot outside that you can go to regularly throughout the day.

  • Take a photo of the outdoor scene, and note the date and time of your photo.

  • Come back to the same location, and take a photo at various times of the day (at least 4).

  • If you can, also take a photo when it is dark outside.

  • Arrange your photos in a series, so you can look at them all at the same time.

  • Are the colours the same in all photos? If not, describe the differences. Use as many descriptive words for the colours that you can.

  • You can extend the exercise over various days, weeks, even months, to get a good collection of images taken at various dates and times, and notice how the colours change in nature over longer timescales.

Series of images taken by Paul Green-Armytage, at Mount Trio, Stirling Range National Park, Western Australia

Questions & Observations:

  • Describe how the colours change in your scene at different times of day.

More to explore:

  • Repeat the exercise at a different location.

  • Repeat the exercise for one month or more.