Scavenger Hunt

Colours are all around us

Find a range of colours in your environment


  • All ages

  • Time: 30 minutes minimum

  • Learning Outcome: Notice all the variations of colours - whether they are vivid, pale, muted or dark - in various environments around us.

  • Colour Concepts: The colours that surround us come in a variety of characters.



  • Go for a walk and look around – your home, your neighbourhood or anywhere. Notice the colours that you see.

  • How many colours on the card can you find?

  • Write down what matched the colours on the card in the matching space on the worksheet.

  • Take photos, if you can, of each match.

  • Note – you may not see all of the colours on your card. See who can find the most colours.


Questions & observations:

  • Which of the colour characters was most common in your environment?

  • Which of the colour hues was most common in your environment?

  • How common are vivid colours in your environment?

  • If you do this exercise in different locations (e.g. home vs, school), what do you notice?

  • Are you surprised by any of your findings?

More to explore:

  • Make your own grids with different hues and characters. Repeat the exercise.

  • Try the exercise in different environments – e.g inside vs. outside; school library vs. school gym; your home vs. school. What do you notice about the colours you find in different environments?

Related exercise: