Naming colours in the sorting set
Expanded hue families
Identify and name the coloured tiles used in the CHROMO sorting set
All ages
Time: 20 minutes
Learning Outcome: Be able to identify and name various coloured tiles in the sorting set.
Colour Concept: Become familiar identifying and naming colour variations within hue families.
Background - Sorting Introduction
Coloured tiles: physical, or online at: (CHROMO)
(Optional) Powerpoint with Instructions on identifying and naming colour variations within hue families
See Free Sort Lesson plan for instructions on using online CHROMO sorting set.
If you have done a previous exercise, go to Menu and Clear All.
From the CHROMO menu page select the square shape and click on Add vivid colours.
Move the red tile to the centre of the screen and then move the orange tile next to, and to the right of, the red (Figure 1).
Move the remaining coloured tiles to complete the row. The colours should follow the order of the colours in the spectrum or rainbow (Figure 2).
Figure 1. Arranging vivid tiles.
Figure 2. Arranging vivid tiles in spectral order.
Next, you can name the colours for each tile. There are a few ways to do this:
Write down your choice of names on a separate sheet of paper, naming the colours from left to right.
Take a screen shot of this page, print it, and write your choice of names under each colour on the print.
Add the names to the screenshot using your preferred program/app on your device.
Figure 3 shows the names we have chosen for identifying the hue families in the CHROMO system. If you have used different names you are not ‘wrong’. We chose these names after extensive discussion and debate (!!).
Click on Menu and return to the menu page. Click on Add Pale Colours.
Move the pale coloured tiles to form a line above their vivid ‘parent’ coloured tiles (Figure 4).
Figure 3. Named vivid tiles.
Figure 4. Pale and vivid coloured tiles in spectral order.
Click on Menu and return to the menu page. Click on Add Muted Colours.
Move the muted coloured tiles to form a line below their vivid ‘parent’ coloured tiles.
Click on Menu and return to the menu page. Click on Add Dark Colours.
Move the dark coloured tiles to form a line below the muted coloured tiles (Figure 5).
The four colours in the vertical columns should be from the same hue families and the nine colours in the horizontal rows should have the same character. The terms for character and hue family can now be combined as a simple naming system. E.g.: ‘pale RED’, ‘vivid YELLOW’, ‘muted LIME’, ‘dark BLUE’.
Find the ‘dark ORANGE’, the ‘pale GREEN’, the ‘vivid BLUE’, and the ‘muted MAGENTA’ tiles, and move them into the space on the left (Figure 6).
Figure 5. Pale, vivid, muted and dark coloured tiles in spectral order.
Figure 6. The ‘dark ORANGE’, ‘pale GREEN’, ‘vivid BLUE’, and ‘muted MAGENTA’ tiles separated from the group.
Return these tiles to their positions in the grid, and spread out the grid so you have space to write the names of all the coloured tiles.
Write the name underneath each coloured tile, by printing out a screenshot, or by using your preferred program/app on your device (Figure 7).
Figure 7. Named colours in CHROMO sorting set.
Questions & observations:
Does arranging and naming all the colours in this exercise make you think about or appreciate colour in a new way?
How else could you name pale magenta or pale red?
How else could you name dark orange or dark yellow?
Does the awareness of all the colours in the sorting set help you to see and identify more colour variations in your environment?