Surrounded by colours

Colours are all around us

Notice all the variations of colours in your surroundings


  • Ages: All ages

  • Time: 15 minutes+

  • Learning Outcome: Describe the variations of colours in your space.

  • Colour Concepts: Notice how light influences the colours we see.

  • Cornerstone: Experiencing Colours




Take a colour inventory of your space. Describe the colours as fully as you can - including all their attributes.

Take a Colour Inventory:

  • Look around the room you are in and notice all the different colours you can see. Make a list of all these colours in column 1 on your paper. Take 2 minutes for this.

  • Repeat the above step, but this time make a list of the colours in the clothing you see different people wearing in your room (include yourself!). Write these colours in column 2 on your paper. Take 2 minutes for this.

  • Now take a closer look at the colours in the room, and notice if any of the colours appear differently depending on the amount of light illuminating them. For example, if a coloured object is partly in shadow, describe how it is different in and out of the shadow. Write down how any colour’s appearance changes as its illumination changes. Take 1 minute for this.

  • Share your observations. Depending on the time available, you can take a few minutes after each inventory for sharing, or wait until the end of the inventory process.


Questions & observations: 

  • Which colour character is most common in your environment? (i.e. vivid, pale, muted or dark)

  • Which hue family is most common in your environment? (i.e. vivid, pale, muted or dark)

  • How do the colour appearances shift when they are viewed in shadow?

  • If you do this exercise in different locations (e.g. home vs, school), what do you notice?

  • Are you surprised by any of your findings?

More to explore:

  • Analyze the inventory: Circle the hue names on your paper. List and count the numbers of each hue name. Record on the Inventory. Which are the most and least common hues?

  • Circle the adjectives on your paper. List and count the number of adjectives used more than once. Connect them to a character. Record on the Inventory.

  • Do another inventory in a different location. Use the colour characters to describe your colours as much as possible. How do the colour inventories compare?

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