Introduction to CHROMO Sorting Set
For the Colour Literacy Project sorting exercises, you can work with either a physical set of coloured tiles, or with the online Colour Sorting Set, CHROMO, created by Maggie Maggio and Paul Green-Armytage and programmed by Joey Sipos. The online sorting set is available at:
The sorting sets contain 36 chromatic tiles, based on 9 hues with 4 variations (or Characters) per hue (see below), plus 9 achromatic tiles.
Example of a Sorting Set with 9 hues x 4 character tiles.
The described exercises are for using the online set. The same instructions can be applied to working with a physical set of coloured tiles. If you are working with a physical set, it is best to use a paper or cardboard background of neutral grey for these sorting exercises.
We suggest that when students have finished each exercise, they can take a screen shot (or a photo of the arrangement of coloured tiles) and either post or send it to the teacher/ workshop leader. The images can be displayed as a group on a system like Padlet, or any other system for discussion.
We use the term Hue Family to describe the set of colour variations for a particular hue.
The term Character refers to four broad categories of colour variations: vivid, muted, pale and dark.
We organize the hue families with vivid tiles on the right, muted on the left, pale on the top and dark on the bottom: