Arranging coloured tiles in hue sequence
Level One
Time: 15 minutes
Learning Outcomes: Recognize and arrange the vivid, muted, pale and dark variations of a colour within a hue family.
Colour Concept: ?? UPDATE Move away from associating ‘colour’ with the vivid hues only; pay more attention to variations within hue families.
Coloured tiles: physical, or online at: (CHROMO)
(Optional) Powerpoint with Instructions on arranging coloured tiles in hue sequences
See Free Sort Lesson plan for instructions on using online CHROMO sorting set.
If you have done a previous sorting exercise, go to Menu and Clear All.
Select the circle shape and click on Add Vivid Colours. See Figure 1.
Rearrange the colours along the top to form a spectral sequence from left to right: red orange, yellow, lime, green, turquoise, blue, violet, magenta. See Figure 2.
Figure 1. Vivid coloured tiles in random order.
Figure 2. Vivid coloured tiles arranged in a spectral sequence.
The colours can now be arranged in a circle. We will be arranging the pale, muted and dark tiles in circles as well. The layout for the sets of circles is shown in Figure 3.
Move the tiles to form a circle of vivid colours on the right of the screen in the position shown in Figure 3. Put the magenta in the 3 o’clock position and the other colours in spectral order, clockwise from magenta: violet, blue, turquoise, green, lime, yellow, orange, red (Figure 4).
Figure 3. Layout for sets of hue circles.
Figure 4. Hue circle of nine vivid colours.
Click on Menu and return to the menu page. Click on Add Pale Colours (Figure 5).
Move the pale tiles so that they form another hue circle, as laid out by Figure 3, in the same relative positions and order as the vivid hue circle (Figure 6).
Figure 5. Pale coloured tiles added to the screen
Figure 6. Pale and vivid hue circles.
Repeat this process with the muted and then the dark coloured tiles, and create a hue circle for each (Figure 7).
Click on Menu and return to the menu page.
Click on Add 9 Gray Scale, then arrange a grey scale on the left side of the screen, with white at the top and black on the bottom (Figure 8).
Figure 7. Pale, muted, dark and vivid coloured tiles arranged as hue circles.
Figure 8. Hue circles, with greyscale on the left.
Figure 9. Matching grey tiles to approximate lightness/value of pale, muted and dark hue circles.
Move the grey tiles to the centres of the hue circles as follows:
Move middle grey to the centre of the circle of muted colours.
Move the grey that is two steps above middle grey to the centre of the circle of pale colours.
Move the grey that is two steps below middle grey to the centre of the circle of dark colours (Figure 9).
Questions & observations:
**something on why this is an important exercise to do
Why did we not choose a grey partner for the vivid hue circle?